Detaily o ponuke práce Senior Project Manager - Telco Zostávajúci čas: Platnosť vypršala. Kategórie/a: Informatika Náplň práce: The project manager professional in IBM Global Business Services leads teams of business consultants, analysts, IT architects and specialists and other professionals working on system integration projects or programs of various complexity
The project manager is accountable along with executive project sponsors for the success of these efforts
The projects are delivered to clients who usually act as key players in their respective market sectors in the Slovak Republic and other CEE countries
Obdobie zverejnenia: 1 mesiac Druh p. pomeru: Hlavný pracovný pomer Dĺžka p. pomeru: Na dobu neurčitú Ponúkaný plat: Dohodou EUR Iné výhody WORK BENEFITS:
#3 self-recovery days per year (paid days off)
#sick leave compensation/looking after a family member compensation
#start up trainings
#possibility to choose an e-learning course from 3000 courses
#flu vaccination (once per year)
#parking spaces
#bank offers (Dexia, Tatrabanka)
#Orange – discount on pay monthly plans
#discounts (sport, wellness etc.)
#temporary accommodation - if you need to relocate to Bratislava
#luncheon vouchers
#leisure vouchers (€ 16.60 per month)
#wide social program
Miesto výkonu: Bratislava I Termín nástupu: ASAP Informácie pre uchádzača Additional requirements for the candidate
The project manager performs an array of project-related activities, which include primarily:
Winning the project – managing the bid preparation and supporting sales closure
Starting the project – contracting, staffing, planning and engaging project resources
Delivering the project – defining team goals, work contents and schedules, providing business guidance to team members, tracking and reporting deliverables, managing scope, risk, issues, and change, applying project management processes and tools, managing customer expectations and satisfaction
Closing the project – reconciling project financials, releasing staff, harvesting knowledge, defining, developing and pursuing further business opportunities
Požiadavky na zamestnanca Vzdelanie: Stredoškolské s maturitou Zameranie: IT Požadovaná prax: nie Pozícia je vhodnejšia pre: nezáleží Vhodná pre absolventa: nie Jazykové znalosti: Anglický jazyk - Pokročilý Počítačové znalosti: Vodičský preukaz:
Ostatné informácie In case you are interested please send your CV to or call + 421 915 571 530.
Up to the requirements, preselection of CVs will be done. We will contact back all preselected candidates in order to provide them with more info.
Please write down in the mail subject the title of the position you would like to apply for.
O firme Charakteristika: Manpower Slovensko je prestížna a etablovaná personálna spoločnosť s dlhodobou tradíciou na trhu práce. Každý deň sme v kontakte s našimi klientami i kandidátmi a poskytujeme im služby profesionálnej kvality a úrovne. Oblasť podnikania: Ľudské zdroje a personalistika Adresa: Manpower Slovensko s.r.o. Kolárska 6 811 06 Bratislava